Making post-war Manchester: visions of an unmade city | digital download

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Making post-war Manchester: visions of an unmade city | digital download


The catalogue of Making post-war Manchester exhibition held between 03 June - 24 June 2016 at Manchester Technology Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester.

Curated by Richard Brook and Martin Dodge.

From Manufacturing Industries to a Services Economy: The Emergence of a ‘New Manchester’ in the 1960s…

“We wanted to focus on the pre-construction information, the sketches, drawings, models and reports that were produced by a generation of architects and architect planners at a time when optimism prevailed and those working in the public sector were clear in their understanding of their role as promoting the public good. Some of these visions may seem too sweeping and too comprehensive from where we now view them, but the demand to ‘clean’ the city of its industrial and war torn past cannot be underestimated. We demolished more of our own city than that which was destroyed in the blitz in pursuit of the new service city, driven by technology.”

Due to the exceptional generosity of authors Martin Dodge and Richard Brook, we can now offer you access to this catalogue from their extensive 2012 exhibition ‘Making post-war Manchester’.

Other digital publications are available here.

This download is currently offered on a ’donation’ basis in order to help raise funds for the Modernist Society during the Covid-19 shutdown. If you are not able to donate, the publication can be viewed free of charge on issuu.

©Richard Brook & Martin Dodge 2016

*due do Covid-19 restrictions we are currently unable to distribute our printed publications, and so we are making available a number of publications as digital downloads - purchasing these will help to ensure future print issues of the modernist magazine. Thank you.*

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